Complications of Prolonged Cocaine Snort

Complications of Prolonged Cocaine Snort

There are many complications of prolonged cocaine snorting. Some of them include septal damage, nasal bleeding, and liver damage. Behavioral changes can also occur. Some of these complications are life-threatening, while others are not. You should be aware of them. If you have experienced any of these problems, you should seek medical attention.

Septal damage

In the long term, cocaine use can cause permanent damage to the nose. Such coke nose can lead to conditions such as COPD, asthma, and restricted breathing. The best treatment for this problem is to stop using cocaine. In the short term, stopping cocaine use can resolve symptoms such as chronic runny nose and sinus infections. More severe damage can require surgery.

Although small sores that don’t penetrate the septum usually heal on their own, a hole will require surgery. Unlike the temporary sores, which can be treated with home remedies, septal perforations cannot be repaired. Ultimately, this damage will require a trip to a doctor.

Complications of Prolonged Cocaine Snort

Nasal bleeding

Nasal bleeding from cocaine snorting can be severe and life-threatening. Although cocaine does not have a high pH level, it does affect the nasal lining and lowers the blood flow. These effects can severely damage the soft tissues and cartilage inside the nose. Heavy cocaine use can also cause the nasal septum to break, resulting in perforation. It can also lead to a loss of sense of smell, and even permanent nasal damage.

In addition to causing severe nose irritation, cocaine can cause nasal swelling and sinus inflammation. This increases the pressure inside the nasal cavity, resulting in a nosebleed. The blood vessels in the nasal cavity can also become damaged, causing bleeding and scabs. Inflammation of the mucus lining can also lead to drainage and crusting.

Liver damage

Long-term cocaine use can cause serious liver damage. The drugs overload the liver with toxins and enzymes. This impairs its function and affects other organs. This type of damage is reversible, however, with treatment. Treatment includes dialysis and antiviral medications.

The respiratory system is also impacted by cocaine use. It can lead to eosinophilic pneumonitis and chronic cough. In addition, the drug can damage the lining of the nose. Snorting crack causes the nasal blood vessels to widen and shrink. This damages the nose’s lining and affects the sense of smell. It can also result in the collapse of the nasal bridge and disintegration of the septum.

Prolonged cocaine use is dangerous to the liver. The reduced blood flow may damage several organ systems, including the intestines and stomach. This can lead to ischemic colitis, kidney damage, and other health issues. Short-term side effects of cocaine use include stomach pain, decreased appetite, nausea and vomiting, and constipation. Long-term use can lead to permanent damage. In severe cases, a snorter will experience ischemic colitis, which is an inflammation of the large intestine. If left untreated, a patient may die of this condition.

Complications of Prolonged Cocaine Snort

Behavioral changes

Cocaine use can have profound effects on the psychological and physical health of a person. It can cause erratic behavior, depression, and hyperactivity. These symptoms are not always immediately obvious, but a person who has recently begun to abuse cocaine may display these traits. In addition, the drug can increase gregariousness, which may contribute to problems relating to social relationships.

Over time, cocaine use can result in a buildup of a tolerance, which means a person needs a higher dose to get the same high. However, some individuals may experience sensitivity to the drug and will feel euphoric even with a small amount. Psychological withdrawal symptoms can last for weeks. These may include intense cravings, anxiety, depression, and even angry outbursts. The body may also experience physical symptoms, including insomnia, tremors, muscle pain, and nausea.


A prolonged cocaine snort can lead to a variety of problems. Cocaine reduces blood flow to the nasal cavity, which can lead to an infection. This decrease in circulation weakens the immune system, making it less effective in fighting infection. This also limits the ability of the sinuses to heal. In some cases, an infection can become a chronic issue, leading to a variety of other problems.

The nose is one of the most commonly affected areas, as cocaine can cause a lining to swell and bleed. This causes frequent nosebleeds. Over time, a prolonged cocaine snort can result in a chronic infection in the nose. This may even lead to further problems such as a collapsed vein or a deteriorated heart valve.

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